Quantitation of nucleoprotein complexes by UV absorbance and Bradford assay
Jiang Chen, Hao Luo, Mei Tao, Zhongchuan Liu, Ganggang Wang
2021, 7(6): 429-436. DOI: 10.52601/bpr.2021.210028
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Lipid species dependent vesicles clustering caused by alpha-synuclein as revealed by single-vesicle imaging with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
Chinta Mani Aryal, Owen Tyoe, Jiajie Diao
2021, 7(6): 437-448. DOI: 10.52601/bpr.2021.210020
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Optical tweezer and TIRF microscopy for single molecule manipulation of RNA/DNA nanostructures including their rubbery property and single molecule counting
Chiran Ghimire, Peixuan Guo
2021, 7(6): 449-474. DOI: 10.52601/bpr.2021.210003
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Molecular mechanisms of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9: a single-molecule perspective
Qian Zhang, Ziting Chen, Bo Sun
2021, 7(6): 475-489. DOI: 10.52601/bpr.2021.210021
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Real-time imaging of structure and dynamics of transmembrane biomolecules by FRET-induced single-molecule fluorescence attenuation
Dongfei Ma, Wenqing Hou, Chenguang Yang, Shuxin Hu, Weijing Han, Ying Lu
2021, 7(6): 490-503. DOI: 10.52601/bpr.2021.210030
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
A review for cell-based screening methods in drug discovery
Fen Wei, Sicen Wang, Xilan Gou
2021, 7(6): 504-516. DOI: 10.52601/bpr.2021.210042
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