2019 Vol. 5, No. 3

Cover Story
Cryo-electron tomography is an emerging electron microscopy technique for determining three-dimensional structures of cellular architectures near their native state at nanometer resolution, with a shortcoming of lack of specific labels. Fluorescence light microscopy, on the other hand, specifically visualizes target cellular and molecular components with fluorescent labels, but is limited to a reso-lution of 10 to 100 of nanometers. Combining the advantages of the two techniques, the authors have developed a cryocorrelative light and electron microscopy system. This system consists a custom-designed cryo-chamber that allows for fluorescence imaging of frozen-hydrated samples, and an algorithm to achieve accurate correlation. With this system and the optimized protocol, high-quality tomograms of neuronal synapses labelled by specific fluorescent tags in cultured hippocampal neurons are obtained at high efficiency.
An efficient protocol of cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy for the study of neuronal synapses
Modeling the relationship of diverse genomic signatures to gene expression levels with the regulation of long-range enhancer-promoter interactions
Impact of bacterial chaperonin GroEL-GroES on bacteriorhodopsin folding and membrane integration
Perilipin 2 and lipid droplets provide reciprocal stabilization
Two chemical-controlled switchable Cas9s for tunable gene editing