2015 Vol. 1, No. 1

Cover Story
The presence and folding pattern of chromatin iber, typically regarded as the secondary structure of DNA, in eukaryotic cells has been remained elu- sive and controversial. In page 51 of this issue, Li et al prepared ultra-thin- sections of Hela cell with three different ixation and sectioning methods, and analyzed in vivo architecture of chromatin ibers inside Hela nuclei with electron tomography technology. Their results suggested that the chromatin ibers in eukaryotic Hela cells are likely organized in an architecture with a diameter of about 30 nm.
Biophysics Reports: focus on theoretical and technical advances
Physics-based RNA structure prediction
Detecting peroxiredoxin hyperoxidation by one-dimensional isoelectric focusing
Solubilization and purification of recombinant modified C-reactive protein from inclusion bodies using reversible anhydride modification
An efficient two-step subcellular fractionation method for the enrichment of insulin granules from INS-1 cells
Phosphorylation and function of DGAT1 in skeletal muscle cells
Analysis of chromatin bersin Hela cells with electron tomography