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Qing Li, Lei Li, Yu Li. Developing ChatGPT for biology and medicine: a complete review of biomedical question answering. Biophysics Reports. doi: 10.52601/bpr.2024.240004
Citation: Qing Li, Lei Li, Yu Li. Developing ChatGPT for biology and medicine: a complete review of biomedical question answering. Biophysics Reports. doi: 10.52601/bpr.2024.240004

Developing ChatGPT for biology and medicine: a complete review of biomedical question answering

doi: 10.52601/bpr.2024.240004
More Information
  • Corresponding author: liyu@cse.cuhk.edu.hk (Y. Li)
  • Received Date: 15 January 2024
  • Accepted Date: 19 February 2024
  • Available Online: 28 March 2024
  • ChatGPT explores a strategic blueprint of question answering (QA) to deliver medical diagnoses, treatment recommendations, and other healthcare support. This is achieved through the increasing incorporation of medical domain data via natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal paradigms. By transitioning the distribution of text, images, videos, and other modalities from the general domain to the medical domain, these techniques have accelerated the progress of medical domain question answering (MDQA). They bridge the gap between human natural language and sophisticated medical domain knowledge or expert-provided manual annotations, handling large-scale, diverse, unbalanced, or even unlabeled data analysis scenarios in medical contexts. Central to our focus is the utilization of language models and multimodal paradigms for medical question answering, aiming to guide the research community in selecting appropriate mechanisms for their specific medical research requirements. Specialized tasks such as unimodal-related question answering, reading comprehension, reasoning, diagnosis, relation extraction, probability modeling, and others, as well as multimodal-related tasks like vision question answering, image captioning, cross-modal retrieval, report summarization, and generation, are discussed in detail. Each section delves into the intricate specifics of the respective method under consideration. This paper highlights the structures and advancements of medical domain explorations against general domain methods, emphasizing their applications across different tasks and datasets. It also outlines current challenges and opportunities for future medical domain research, paving the way for continued innovation and application in this rapidly evolving field. This comprehensive review serves not only as an academic resource but also delineates the course for future probes and utilization in the field of medical question answering.

  • Qing Li, Lei Li and Yu Li declare that they have no conflict of interest.
    This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the authors.
    Qing Li and Lei Li contributed equally to this work.

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